Saturday, June 25, 2005

The blog is as I hoped. I might tinker with font colors but for now it's good. I was thinking about posting all of the posts I had up from the "News" page before I got this working. That way, though it would be delayed a few weeks, or months in the case of some posts, people could comment. Would you please express your interest or disinterest in my posting the dozen or so old posts for your commenting enjoyment. Have I mentioned that I love Genesis Restaurant on 22nd Street in Saskatoon? I'm so full and satisfied & if I get hungry in a few hours, there is quite a container of leftovers. I have plenty to say, from banks to weather, but we just rented "Meet the Fockers" so I think I'll watch that with my dear wife and express my thoughts next week.
Don't forget to comment on the old posts please. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ok, I got the comments working... mostly. If the trackback thing & the double locations for the comments stay on posts before this one and the last one, I'll just leave them alone in the old posts, as I would like. This post is a test as well as informative.

One final thing I'm looking for advice on, because I'm stumped & my brain is not thinking html very well right now, is when blogger gives you the option of posting a paragraph of text between tags like <> and < /p> what does it want? The text in quotes? or does it want us to include more of the information between the tags? Thanks for any advice.
Ok, going to try this now as the "main" window to my webpage. This does block the ads from Angelfire which is in violation of their free webspace. I appreciate it too much to risk so we'll see how this goes for the moment. If they shut me down or send me a warning I may need to set up a blog with Angelfire's templates, but my blog and Haloscan comments are working as I type this. Feel free to comment or just try it out. Navigate the page and see what happens. I'll stick a link to this page up at the bottom of the page contents so you can get back here without countless back clicks. We'll see how it goes.