Sunday, August 29, 2004

Rested for a change

So Angie and I both had less than great sleeps Friday night so last night, after a great day and a nice steak, baked potato and ceasar salad supper, decided to have an earlier evening. I got to bed by 12:30 and it was so nice. I haven't felt this good in weeks and I'm more than anxious to go to church today. Just one of those feel good days.

The storm was nice to watch yesterday but I just couldn't believe, while watching it rain a bit heavy here and watching the news, they told of the flooding on Circle Drive just 4 Km away! Crazy weather, but I still love a good light show. :)

Hopefully by this evening I'll have that awesome picture of me & Kianna on the website for all to see. That's my mind for today.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I’m home finally and it's great to be.

So I had typed this whole thing once already but the server was down & I lost everything. From now on, I type the draft blog in Word then copy & post it so I’m not as frustrated as I am right now. Though the frustration has been minimized because today is just so much better than the last two days as I will explain yet again. :P

Firstly I want to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and concerns. Without providing too many details because of the personal nature of my little hospital visit let me assure you that it was more like a checkup, better-safe-than-sorry visit, than a serious procedure. Let me tell you the story excluding certain details.

I arrived at SCH (Saskatoon City Hospital) at 12:45. I was told to arrive around 1. Since it was to be admitted it wasn’t like I had to be early or right on time as for a doc appointment. To my surprise I was not on the record. My first thoughts were that I wasn’t leaving here until I was looked after since I began the planning of this appointment since April. As well I thought that I was regretting not getting them to send a letter as they offered when I was first informed of the date of the visit on August 2. I knew I wouldn’t forget, but they might & did. The letter would’ve been the evidence I needed & saved me an hour wait at admitting. No biggie, I got a private room outta the deal for free. By this time I was pretty hungry since I was not allowed food since midnight 14 hours before but I have gone longer without eating. The next details I’ll exempt up to midnight when my water was cut off by the nurses. I drink a lot of water & for me to be without was a challenge beside the fact that it was now 25.5 hours since I ate anything.

So it was a rather restless night between a bit of nervousness, strange surroundings that were eerily familiar from my 6 month stay in SCH on 7th floor rehab and nurses that reminded me of children that needed to be told to use their “indoor voices” at 3 in the morning. ‘Whatever, lotsa time to sleep when I get home… man am I thirsty.’ Finally 7 am rolls around, and I experienced something very pleasing. The doc/specialist/surgeon himself was there & took me & my little stretcher down to the room. Nice to see a humble doc not on his high horse.
*exempted details* Back at my room within a half hour, I got the Demerol worked outta my system within an hour, but not before calling Angie to let her know things went well. I remember the call, chatting & being pretty forgetful, but she told me that I never said anything stupid so I’m pretty glad about that. Hehehe Then a bit of rest, lunch (it had been 38 hours since I ate last) and though it was not Tim Horton’s Cream of Broccoli soup and egg salad sandwich, it was still Cream of Broccoli soup and egg salad sandwich.

Now I’m happily home with all the water & food I want. I have had a good night’s rest but another will be appreciated. So on August 2 I learned the date of my stay at SCH and, being the good client that I am, immediately phoned homecare to adjust visits. Somehow, the two changes I got made, double checked and got the scheduler to read back to me in that phone call, came out as this entire week being canceled! Fortunately a caring supervisor caught it, & got everything back on track. I made sure to express my appreciation. So though a bit of nervousness certainly existed these last few days, I feel that I have learned a lot more about trusting Him that everything will work out as long as I do the right thing. The last few days have gone better than I expected and yes, I’m still waiting for some results, but I know everything will be fine. Thanks again for your prayers.

Now I must contradict myself. I may have an upcoming debate (to put it nicely) with SGI and I just can’t seem to trust. I know why too and it saddens me. The reason I cannot trust is because a part of my mind is telling me to play SGI’s little games, the games of the world. By that I mean deceive them, delay, mislead… LIE. How can I hope His will to be done & the best things to work out if I plan on doing that. Let me tell you I do not plan on doing that. I plan to pray for the right thing, the strength to do the right thing and for SGI to not punish me YET AGAIN for doing the right thing. I hope it doesn’t get nasty. So if you feel the urge to pray for me & for me to do the right thing I would appreciate it.

Finally, there are very few visits appearing on my webpage. I did have big hopes for it to become our webpage, but thus far it has only me & Angie on it. Please feel free to visit, comment & contribute if there is anything you wish to share or have posted. I may start working on a page with kids pictures like Kianna, James and Azalea. Here’s the address again:

Have a good one everybody!

Ya, so after this whole retyping of the blog, I check the ‘edit blog’ section & there sits the original. Man, what a goober I’ve been today. I think this blog was better so I’ll post it instead.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I didn't get lost or dissappear... Just been busy.

So 11 days later I finally blog. I’m not in much of a typing mood so I’ll be pretty brief and in point form and please excuse the abrev. First in reply to my points I was gonna mention after the last one:
- The biting my tongue thing was basically every time I wanted to comment more about info I got a Jack Fraser, or about titanium rings at Ben Moss, or whatever like that it totally woulda clued Angie in that I had the ring. The one thing I will tell you about cas it was hilarious. Calling my mom Wed evening, the day after I got the ring, while Angie & were both at the computer my mom asks me when I’ll give her the ring. I reply “Well, SAAATURDAY, Angie & I were thinking about going to Michaels to look at party favors for our wedding guests. (Which we had talked about)” My mom replies, “Oh, I see… But when were you going to give her the ring?” So ya, she didn’t catch on, but I managed to change the phone conversation topic without giving it away to Angie who was but 18” from my head & the phone speaker. :P So that was the funniest part of the time between getting & giving the ring. :)

- I mentioned the little girl in Wal-Mart. Most kids are a bit excitable, or hyper or just simply they stare at me & my chair. Not a problem, they are curious and that’s good. But this little Asian girl, who was with her dad, comes up to me while Angie & I were checking out and says so sweetly, politely, cutely, “I like the shiny blue on your wheelchair.” I could only smile big and say thank you & that I liked it too. I looked up at her dad & just thought wow, what a great job he had started doing raising that child. It made me smile and gave me hope for that generation as I see kids getting more and more out of control. (I know that makes me sound like 75 years old)
- Reasons Angie saw the proposal coming that day: I was too smiley (though that lil girl woulda made me smile any day), I lit a candle for supper, though it was kinda dark in here, I got on the couch at 7 & I usually wait till 8 or so and a few other things she suspected.
- Lunch with Angie, Leshia & Colin went good,. Food was good, got to meet Colin who was a nice guy & I’m very happy for Leshia cas she deserves a nice guy like that & it was great for her & Angie to meet & it was good for me to see Leshia since I think it was Christmas or maybe longer since I had seen her and then it was a very short visit. The phone just isn’t the same.

So that’s the old news. Are you sick of reading yet? Hope not.
My new chair arrived in the city last Friday. I got it Tuesday & I love it… but it doesn’t love me. It’s causing serious pressure in a spot on my back & now after just a few hours in it I have a minor wound to heal up, then we gotta figure out how to adjust this thing so it doesn’t bother me. I refuse to have a $6,800 machine that isn’t properly set up. I have a great Occupational Therapist so I’m sure it’ll work, but I hope soon, before her holidays or another 3 week wait for say a part for the chair. I started this process in mid April for goodness sakes… 4 months later I have a new chair in my living room, but it won’t work. I had Angie sit in it for awhile yesterday to see if there were any uncomfy spots for her. She found it in the same spot I’m healing now so at least it’s the chair & not just me.

Yesterday we went to Ebenezer & filled out our premarital counseling forms. That was a blast! I’m curious to get them back & see what there is to compare & discuss. I completely understand what Lynette was saying to Angie about the questions being psychologically orientated. I don’t have any of those classes but I could see where they were going with the questions. An example: I feel that I know everything about my partner. Strongly Disagree:Disagree:Undecided:Agree:Strongly Agree
I selected agree. I’m not foolish enough to think that I know or ever could know absolutely everything about Angie, but I feel like I do… the key word, feel. Or will the questionnaire interpret me as a know it all or foolish because of my answer? You see my point. One more: We have made a detailed budget that lets us know exactly how much we will have to spend each month.
Strongly Disagree:Disagree:Undecided:Agree:Strongly Agree
I chose agree because we’ve discussed money & made an estimated budget… but now I look at it & I think perhaps Strongly Disagree would be more accurate because we have not made a meticulously detailed budget and we do not know EXACTLY how much we will have for our own spending money or whatever. See what I’m saying?

Finally & with very few details, I’ll be having a little overnight stay at Hotel Saskatoon City Hospital Monday night so that I’m ready for a lil thing Tuesday morning at 7:30 am. I am a bit concerned about it. It will be an experience. After over 6 months in SCH on 7th floor rehab, I’m not thrilled about going back even for 1 night, even for the benefit of my health. I’m not being a big baby or typical man that runs from the doctor, but it is on my mind certainly. At any rate, I could use a prayer at that time or before & after for how I’m feeling and I could use one that this new chair works out for me in a very punctual manner. Thanks everyone & I’ll let you know more once I’m outta the Hospital Tuesday… if I’m not still spinny from the anesthetic.


Sunday, August 08, 2004

It's Official

Last evening I officially asked Angie to marry me, proposing in the form of a cover letter and resume applying for the job as her husband. I was hired, but I don't start until January 22nd, 2005. :D

It was a great moment... everybody's happy. Her parents had to come over to congratulate us. It was a good day yesterday... except for her computer calling it quits. We'll figure it out, but if anyone has an old computer for cheap that can handle Shaw Internet, lemmie know please.

I have tons more to say, but other important things to write and do first. Time permitting I'll come back to tell more stories later or in a few days if I remember. Infact, to remind myself & hopefully grab your attention I'll write the topics here:
-The times I had to bite my tongue between the time I got the ring to the proposal.
-Little girl at Wal-Mart that made my Saturday
-Reasons Angie kinda saw it coming yesterday
-Lunch tomorrow with Angie, my friend of 21 years and her new boyfriend

I'll fill in the details as time permits.

Friday, August 06, 2004

May I be sappy for a bit?

So I was feeling kinda crappy today when I woke up. It seems that no amount of sleep will do. Slept a bit funny & my back is a bit sore, yesterday was kinda rough for Angie (computer acting up, bit of loneliness, grandma still ill, clients canceling, inability to commit to things like coffee because a client could book in), at any rate it was kind of a bad day and my grandma is declining in mental health too I found out. I was a bit grumpy when I woke up & it didn't go away... that is until I talked to my Angie. I think I was having withdrawl. It is amazing what she can do for me just by talking on the phone. I think I can start my day now that I've had a dose of Angie. :)