Thursday, February 24, 2005

Temperature really doesn’t matter…

So I have my happy places that I escape to in my mind when I need to. They range from complete concoctions of my mind, to elements of favorite places pieced together, to simply favorite real places. This weekend I will be adding to one of my favorite real happy places by taking Angie ice fishing. Yes, one of my happy places is sitting on a frozen lake with the wind blowing on my back and fish tugging at my rod… My ultralight ice fishing rod that has been slammed in a truck door (broken & fixed), the tip has fallen off & been replaced many times… and it has probably caught over 4000 fish. I will be using that rod in 44 hours. So the temperature of my happy places range from a summer beach on the lake we will be fishing this weekend, skiing on that lake with cool water spraying my face, to sitting on that frozen lake catching fish. It’s going to be a great trip.

One final note: It is a year today since I quit smoking. I’d say a craving pops up about once a week but they are easily dismissed. I think if I were to see myself with a smoke in my mouth it would be very shocking to me & everyone. That is a good thing & I’m so glad I had Angie’s help and prayers to beat that evil in my life.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Ahh old movies…

So as I filed my nails I was watching the remaining few minutes of Starsky & Hutch, I hadn't seen, on the computer. Pretty good movie. Lots of action, car chases and Stiller/Wilson comedy. At the end the original Starsky & Hutch make an appearance which I thought was neat. So I had a second hand of nails to file so I began watching the Transformers Movie which I downloaded over 16 months ago & hadn’t watched yet. (Side note: Cleaned out my wallet yesterday & found documents from over 3 years ago… Trying to reduce my tendency to keep things way too long.) So at the start of the Transformers Movie (from 1986) they state that, “In 2005 the evil Decepticons…” Here we are in 2005 & there’s no “Autobot City” or Autobot base on the moon… obviously, but as a 5 year old boy I thought it might just happen… but nope.

So this movie made me think of Predator 2 (From 1990), and the way they portray it in 1997 with cop cars that are one of the first minivans, the Pontiac minivans that looked like they fell outta the sky… Though my van looks similar now. But besides that, the guns they came up with for the cops in P2 were pretty funky compared to what actually developed… which was basically nothing… the guns are pretty much the same.

So one more movie… According to Terminator 2 the big bomb or overtaking of the world by computers was supposed to happen in 1997 or 1999. Yup… here we are… but oh right! They stopped the machines in the movies so everything is fine here in our world, just like in MiB. :) What we don't know won't hurt us.

So one final thought… unlike the predictions of the 60’s etc on commercials… we don’t live on the moon or on space stations & it ain’t gonna happen any time soon… Just a curious observation from a 24 year old man who was once a 5 year old boy that believed in transformers.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Remember Christmas…

And the fact that in only 4 weeks Angie & I would be getting married. Here we are, 8 weeks after Chirstmas, and she & I have been married for 4 weeks. It has been the fastest & best 4 weeks of my life. I just cannot believe how my life is going so well. I’ve never been happier and time is absolutely flying by. It’s a thrill ride and I love it!

Friday I get to take Angie to Swift Current to go ice fishing on Saturday and I’m extremely stoked about it! Her parents are coming along and that is going to make the trip even more perfect. I cannot even begin to describe the way I feel about the blessing of the way our parents get along. I understand how conflicts between in-laws can strain a marriage, but I am truly thankful the way our families are.

So usually I’m the one to hurry to get my line down the hole in the ice first, but this time I’ll be ready with the camera on video mode ready to record Angie’s first catch. If I can shrink it enough I’ll stick it on the website. :) It’s going to be a great weekend. I love road trips with my wife!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

According to AIM Trimark I’m cool…

See, I’ve lost a lot of weight in the last 2 years (only a little in the last year & I’m happy where I am now) so I’m not cool because I’m no longer fat but I am sick so I must be a bit cool. However, unlike a pair of shoes I don’t think I’ll get so phat that I’ll get even more sic… and I think that is a good thing. My head is still foggy, but I am on the mend. So if my fatness (phattness?) is gone and I’m less sick (sic?) and getting better daily, then my coolness must be reducing and before long I won’t be sic or phat. But I’m cool with that because I’ll be feeling better.

And do I ever want to be in top shape for ice fishin’. I’m so stoked about it that my dreams are of ice fishing. Yup, that Tylenol cold & flu can make things fuzzy when combined with a cold as you can tell by this rambling blog.

Oh, and one last thing! When out of syrup, peanut butter and Coolwhip works on waffles. :P

Friday, February 04, 2005

I can't complain but I'm going to...

It's been almost 2 years since I've had a cold so I shouldn't complain, but I feel icky. Now Angie gets to see the coughy, sneezy, achy... well the symptoms from the cold medication commercials. Don't forget oozy though. :P Hopefully this post is wrong & my sore throat which has felt about the same all day, maybe slightly worse as the day has progressed, will be gone by morning & I'll be fine. I've never thought of myself as the wimpy whiney man when I'm sick... but I've never had a wife... my incredible wife... to look after me before. hehehe She's such a great woman & I'm going to be fine by tomorrow. :)