Monday, March 21, 2005

Without trying to sound like an old coot...

So during my trip to Swift Current last weekend while cruising around with my groomsman and testing out the new additional neon interior lighting in my van, I comented that even for Swift Current it was very quiet for a Saturday evening. Maybe it was too early or maybe there is just no one left, but the high school is still there... there must be a few kids around, right? But nope, just us checking out the same old city. The new Credit Union is almost finished... Taco Time moved up the hill... Yup, same ole' Speedy Creek.

I do have a theory though. I think that maybe there were people cruising, but they could only drive about half as far on the say $10 of gas they bought so either they were saving it for later in the evening or parked somewhere different than this guy knew of for hang out spots. Anywho, I think this might be an expensive summer for driving anywhere... that is if we get a summer this year. As long as we can BBQ a steak from time to time and watch a few thunderstorms I'll be happy... though I still want to waterski. :)

Friday, March 11, 2005

I’m frustrated…

So for the first time since we met, Angie & I are out of contact for the longest period of time yet. I’m here in Swift Current (on my dad’s boring computer) and she’s at the women’s retreat. This weekend, though tough to be away from my wife of 48 days, was supposed to be full of good things as well. I am going to close a bank account here and supposed to hang out with my groomsman tomorrow. That will happen. I had a good trip, stopping a few times to take pictures of old buildings my mom has always wanted pictures of, and though it took much longer without the great conversation of my wife, I made it thanks to a very heavy CD.

So why the frustration? Because this weekend was to be a big opportunity for Angie to get clients. Of course the retreat was good stuff too, but getting clients is probably more on her (& my) mind. After the work of massaging many tense women, I’m thinking Angie will be tired. That wouldn’t have been bad in itself, but she woke up with a very sneezy & runny nose. That’s not it of course, her back decided to spasm painfully this morning. Needless to say, optimism was swirling down the drain this morning.

So here’s the catch. Even if Angie can massage, but still has the runny nose & aching back, her treatments may not be 100% of normal. So those she does treat may not get the full quality I know she is capable of. I’m frustrated. I know not what to do. I’ll keep praying. This morning I offered to stay about three or four times & gladly would have, but she said she’d be ok. I felt kinda bad, but wanted to get on the road… and besides, what else could I do? I felt helpless & I’m not sick with a busy weekend in front of me. I hope I don’t spend the weekend worrying about my dear wife, but I miss her already. I just hope and pray that her nose/illness & back will not interfere with her opportunities this weekend.

As for this cat, the heater in my room will be set warmer tonight than it was last time we were here two weeks ago, because this time I will not be able to share heat with Angie. I will do my best to “not be anxious about anything” but keep my prayers and thoughts positive for Angie’s weekend and that it will be a spiritually renewing and physically healing weekend. I will install my new lights that came back from Taiwan in Arleen’s luggage (thanks! :)), and try to enjoy my weekend, though I already look forward to the drive home because it’ll be that much closer to holding my wife again. How I miss that hug! Mom insisted on hugging me when I got home. That’s cool, but it just feels different now than when I was a little boy. I like my mom’s hugs, but there is absolutely no comparison to my wife’s loving embrace! Please feel free to pray for her & all the women at the retreat this weekend.