Monday, January 31, 2005

Even more firsts…

Yesterday was pretty cool. I got to wake up next to my wife and go to church with her AND bring her home with me after lunch with friends. That was something we talked about often before getting married and it was just as cool as I hoped. Angie is at work right now and I’m just saying a few things before I go cook supper for us.

Today we opened our bank accounts together and it was very exciting for me (the accountant side surfaces). :) I must say that I truly enjoy order. Numbers, accounts, reconciled records and balanced books truly remind me why I do enjoy accounting… just hate taxes. :P

So tonight we meet with our photographer to see the proofs from our wedding. I needn’t say we’re both pretty stoked. She did an amazing job from what I saw on her camera so I imagine tonight will be great.

My conclusion for my life at this point: I’m very glad I married Angie. Life is great. I've never been happier. There are a few things coming up that I’ll need to deal with. Tomorrow I have a meeting with a person from Homecare to “reassess” me since I gave them the boot in the mornings. That should be okay. I’m confident in my abilities and disappointed in the manner that they expressed concern for me & my increased independence in the beginning and now, not until I made a huge change, have they noticed me. At the start it appeared as though this division of homecare would be looking after me and going to bat for me if I needed it. That was reassuring but when I did need them to stand up for me I got a very bureaucratic response with a bunch of “yes sirs” but no results. I resigned myself to their uselessness and appreciated the “no news is good news” statement. Hopefully tomorrow is good. It should be. But the meeting I'm more concerned with is coming up before too long with the company hired initially to oversee the modifications to the condo. This time they’re being hired to see if they can help me any further with my independence. I’m hoping it is legitimate and that they are not narks for SGI. Nothing to nark about, but amazing how things can be twisted in reports or notes quickly scribbled down. I’m sure it’ll be fine too, but it is in the back of my mind.

For now though I know that I’m anxious for my beautiful bride to get home, eat a nice supper and look at the pictures of the best wedding ever!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

This is not a McDonalds ad…

But change is good. Today, in 5 hours I will be marrying the most incredible woman I have ever met. I will have the joy an honour of calling her my wife for the rest of my life.

After my accident I had flickers of hope that I would not be a statistic. Now, today I can hardly believe this is happening. I’ve never been so happy, I feel so undeserving of this blessing. I know my emotions will be a little wacky today and I’ll likely need my black hanky. Hopefully my dad and others will not concern me with those silly little details like whose truck is best to haul decorations, or if things will get put away.

I’m going to do nothing today in the way of those little things. I will remember this day for the joy. I am tired, I can feel my emotions are a bit wacky & I too will be on adrenalin but as I was told by some wise men and as I thought would be the case, there will be just eight of us up there today and the audience will not be a distraction. No little glitches will matter because when Angie & I get home tonight we will be married and that is all that matters.

I feel so calm about the marriage but like waiting for an exam to begin, I grow impatient. I’m thinking that seeing her is going to turn me to rubber and everything will be like a dream but I will be sitting down. :) Wow, I better get ready… only 4 hours and 52 minutes until the best thing that ever happens to me, happens.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Last evening alone…

So I sit here grinning and anticipating the events of the coming week and yes, the coming life. I’m totally stoked. I realized today that this is the last evening & night I will spend alone in my home (excluding certain circumstances such as if Angie goes on the women’s retreat with church). Mom and dad will come tomorrow and be staying here until Saturday before the wedding and after that I’ll have my beautiful Angie to keep me company. :) Yup, lots of huge changes coming in my life very soon but they are so wonderful and exciting.

So for tonight I think I’ll quietly reflect of my life, appreciate this time and let my excitement for the future continue to build. I’ve never been so excited and calm at the same time. Life is great!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I need your help…

This is very simple and very important to me! I NEED your comments. Please take a minute or some time over the next day to try and think of the most effective advertising medium that actually caused you to buy or want to buy a product or service. What were the reasons for that desire to purchase? What caused your interest or stopped you from completely ignoring it?

In your greatly appreciated comments, I would say TV is out of the options unless there was a specific thing about the ad that caught your attention in a positive way. Again, this is important to me. I want & need your input PLEASE! This means Joe & Stacey too! I’ll not be thrilled with sarcastic comments, but be very grateful for serious thoughts and input!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bad Pitt!?

So Angie and I went to Ocean’s 12 last night for her birthday. Pretty good movie. I forget the first one mostly so I’ll have to catch it again sometime. However, I recall one thing from Ocean’s 11 and Ocean’s 12 & Fight Club & Seven & many other movies containing Brad Pitt… the fact that he is always stuffing his mouth with food and chewing it like Homer Simpson if not worse. I recall the first few seasons of the Simpsons where the actor of Homer’s voice didn’t have it cased yet & it sounded like his mouth was always full when he spoke… that reminds me of many of Pitt’s roles.

So the ladies think he is so hot eh? Well, I think 2 meals across the table from him & he’d be much less dreamy & a lot more nightmarish. As Angie suggested, maybe it’s just his roles & I can accept that, but how is his “dreamy” image enhanced by eating like a pig more than half his on screen time? I dunno just my view.

By the way, according to the radio, Saskatchewan is the coldest place on Earth today except for one location in Siberia… Yes that includes Antarctica… & I was out planning more with Angie for our wedding… made me feel warm despite minus 30’s. :) 18 days! YAY!!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

20 days!? :D

So here we are. Christmas and New Year’s has past with great success. Angie’s Birthday is on Tuesday & then is the wedding… my wedding… OUR WEDDING! I’m so excited, so ready & so amazed how fast this, the best year of my life so far, has flown by. I’m very glad I kept a journal of dates & events that occurred with me & Angie since we first met. It’ll be a year on Wednesday but I feel like I’ve known her most of my life. Never in my life did I expect things to turn out this way, so incredibly awesome.

Friends have come and gone in my life but I feel like now I have found those friends that I will have for the rest of my life. I must point out that there are a few friends that have indeed lasted through the years and they know who they are. But I am so thankful for the new friends. I never thought I would be this happy & joyful in my life. Had I not met Angie… well, that is one “what if?” game I don’t even want to think about. :) Yeah… I’m ready for the very significant changes that are to come in a mere 20 sleeps… I counted the Friday night before the wedding though I probably won’t sleep much.

Yeah, so I’m still not 100% sure exactly what the whole big day will look like… my mind created a pretty good idea I think, but the actual event is still not going to be pictured until rehearsal and I see the church before the ceremony… all I know is that I’m ready… VERY READY to marry the woman I love & begin our new life & adventure together!