Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Would you like some cheese with your whine and stupid product pushing?

I have decided to complain today. Too many commercials are just driving me nuts and I must express my disgust.
Here is my top ten though as I worked on it I thought of many others that could’ve filled the spots:

10. Eggs - Not so much disgusting as silly. Yup, I think we know they are out there unless you’ve been living under a rock and if you have I think just watching a TV is more exciting than the actual commercial for eggs.
9. Milk – Not a specific brand but the “Drink Milk. Love Life.” Commercials. Yup, it’s out there, same explanation as #10.
8. Geico – Kinda funny but approaching annoying very fast lately.
7. The crazy woman screaming over seeing the first leaf of the fall. I think it might even be a DQ ad but is such a disturbing commercial necessary? It was an ineffective ad anyway because I can't remember what it is for.
6. Herbal Essences Products – Like the smell of them but is that truly necessary? If shampoo is that exciting to a woman she has a few issues.
5. Dairy Queen Morons #1: Holding the blizzard upside down squawking like a couple of dodos. “Yup they’re thick.” I boycotted DQ. Their ads with the guy getting his tongue stuck in the mixer is kinda funny & the flame thrower one is pretty good.
4. Pizza Pops #3 – Kid is too busy to let his father in the house and save him from a swarm of bees or wasps but a pizza pop gets him to get up. This one is not as bad as those coming because when his dad does get in the son seems genuinely concerned about his father. I do know this though: when my dad needed help I came without much delay but if he was in danger I responded as fast as I could.
3. Pizza Pops #2 – The kid’s dad is swinging from the roof about to fall asking for “Lil help here?” but he stares at the TV. Maybe you should help your dad to save him from falling and get up on the roof with him to help with the chore. A growling stomach gets him off his behind. Guess what young man? Your dad’s loss of income from two broken legs is going to result in a lot more stomach growling… maybe you should’ve helped him?
2. Pizza Pops #1 – Punk’s dad has cut himself with a power saw & the father, rather calmly, instructs his son to call his mom at work. Little jerk just sits there until his stomach growls so he gets up to eat a pizza pop. News flash! Your dad is not going to buy you any more pizza pops if he’s gone besides the minor fact that he is your father and you should care just a little.
1. Mars Bar asks: “What are you going to do with your energy?”
Moron: “I’m going to find eternal happiness.” As he rappels down to the open window of a room filled with sorority girls in underwear then asks: “Who needs to be inducted?” Need I say more? Hope you find your tool when it falls off tough guy and I hope any children produced from your “eternal happiness” can forgive their useless father.

There are others such as additional Mars Bar commercials, vehicle commercials, the DQ giant fry ad or the one with the baby beating up his dad for a blizzard (though that is kind of cute but a great way to teach kids to beat up their parents) and of course pharmaceutical products that doctors should be aware of for their patients’ health but they advertise to everyone like this is Mexico where you buy whatever you want whenever you want for medications. But my point is made.

Please don’t take my aggressive wording towards the final few as the norm, but it really frustrates me that garbage like this is supposed to sell product. I suppose the idea is to get you to remember the ad as I have but I have chosen other products in the past because of a stupid commercial. :P

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I feel compelled to blog

So we’ve all played the “what if” game. What if I bought this or did that differently or went to school here instead of there etc. I played that game many many times in the first few months… years… almost decades after my accident. 7 years ago today I went for my little ride. For those who haven’t seen the results:

I played the what if game last night while sitting parked with Angie after a great supper. So what conclusion have I drawn? The most likely scenario had I NOT rolled my truck is: 1. I woulda bought that motor bike, wiped out and be killed or seriously mangled or brain damaged. 2. Dad talked me out of buying the bike but I continued in my less than proper ways, be kind of uncertain where I was going and likely be a partier living for the weekend instead of for our LORD.

And where has His plan taken me? It has brought me to Him in a much closer way. It is a relationship now, not just the same repetitive prayers each night. It has brought me to a clear understanding of true friends (the phonies take off fast after their buddy changes). It has brought me to my education and my best male friend; my best man. It has brought me to a wonderful city. There are many other good things but I have lots to do today so I’ll summarize a bit. But finally I say with joy I cannot convey, it has brought me to the greatest blessing in my life to this point, my dear, precious, loving, intelligent, beautiful fiancée Angie. Had I not broken my neck & received from God the kick in the butt I needed I would not be here, typing this, smiling on what for many people would be the darkest day of their life. It used to be called Black Friday… Now it is Good Friday. And He truly is good!

My parents will likely be far more upset today. They don’t let things go and want to place blame on one man who used to be my best friend. We have since parted because he chose option number 2 from above… well slightly modified to include a child but no motorbike. I have tried to explain things to my parents but they can be stubborn. A trait I must watch out for that I don’t develop in the negative sense. I want to be persistent but not stubborn. :P I love my parents but then need to move on. It will have been a rough week for them... Muffin died a year ago Sunday & today is my lil anniversary though I think of it as more of a birthday.

Okay, time to draw a conclusion. Today is a good day. I am back on the narrow path that leads to life. I have the most incredible woman waiting to marry me and me waiting to marry her. I feel secure and I know without doubt that God is in control. I need not worry about anything. He has never left me and He knew exactly what I needed when I needed it. I should have no future worries because everything will work out as it always has. His timing and His plan is perfect. I feel so at ease seven years after the most turbulent day of my life.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Don't be so nosy...
So I get home at about 11:45pm and as I drove by my place before going underground I notice that my neighbors are still up & the lights are on. They're usually in bed around 11. As I roll down the hall I hear loud voices (loud pleasant voices because they're both hard of hearing, no domestic dispute), and I thought I'd sit at my door and listen for a second. I could hear volume wise but the door muffled things a bit. So I moved a bit closer... Couldn't quite make it out... Then I realized they were speaking Norwegian. Yup, I felt like a goober.

Point of interest: I went to the dentist for the first time in about a dozen years yesterday. Took her about an hour and a half to clean my teeth, but they feel good... now. Yesterday things were tender. But after all those years I still only have the one cavity I had 12 years ago that never got filled. It's not bothering me but I should get it looked after. I do need one bigger x-ray that they woulda had to charge me for (no coverage) but it can be done for free at the Wall St. Med Building. It may reveal wisdom teeth, but I was told I'll never have them or they won't be a problem & I have always been missing one of my bottom front teeth. It just never showed up & my teeth are snug so good stuff. Finally, as if you didn't know this, Saskatchewan is too small. My hygenist yesterday was asking a bit of history. I told her about the time I quit going & that the reason was because my dentist died. She says, "Dr. Babba." I'm like ya! "Oh ya, he was my dentist too at the time. I studied and worked under him a bit." She says.

Small province!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

9 Out of 10 People Want to Know...

So the question has been asked of me and of Angie many times, “What does Jay do?” In the past I gave them the old, CGA student & a student of the UoC. Honestly I got a bit tired of the whole speech since no one seems to know what CGA stands for (Certified General Accountant and no it’s not like a Chartered Accountant). So after getting my letter of dismissal from the UoC (My GPA was a bit too low) one week before the final exam (Thanks for wasting 12 weeks of my life UoC), combined with many other previous semesters of hard work that resulted in unsuccessful grades, diminished motivation (all I wanted was to be an accountant, not take these stupid classes about savage races in Africa and how they are like us), diminished bank accounts, a lot of careful prayer and a few informative doctors’ appointments I have determined what I am to do. There are a few details left to be discovered in His time, but I have my answer and I feel good about it. Now I need to simply trust.

Why do I need to trust? Well because of that stupid pain in the neck thing we all need… money. Those of you that know will know what I’m speaking of and where my income is from. I won’t expand beyond that except for to say that they were content while I was in school & now this shift may cause a few hassles. Hopefully the “fun” of these doc appointments, the results found and the info send by the docs will result in what I’m hoping for: “Ok. Good luck in your future Jason.” But I suppose I’ll see. I just need to pray and trust. I feel that I have done the right thing by being honest & forward with them and so I can trust in God. Had I lied, deceived or misled them I might be fearful but I was honest and I know everything will be fine. Perhaps the only reason I post my doubt is that the past times I’ve been honest with them I’ve gotten a raw deal but the more I think of those times… I feel like I may have been honest but not perfectly honest. Hmmm… more to think about.

So to answer the posed question at the start of this post… I suppose an answer could go something like this: I’m a domestic engineer with a minor in personal kinesiology and a minor in physiatry. This means I look after the home as much as I can, keep in shape & look after my health. What prompted this? Many of the reasons above, the signs leading to my discontent, but ultimately the answers to my prayers lead me to this decision from the above points. You don’t suppose my desire to live long and healthy for Angie has any impact do you? *excessive sarcasm* Obviously it does. Not that before she came into my life I didn’t want to live a long time but it seemed less important as shown by say my smoking. But I’ve kicked that, seen the docs, am looking better, feeling better and motivated to get and stay healthy. It is surprisingly time consuming to live properly for anyone, but more so for me. I know the rewards and I want to reap them so I will spend that time.

I have one final comment. I was basically given two options when I was in rehab in the hospital almost 7 years ago: 1. Get educated, get a career, but get looked after extensively. Or 2. Look after yourself as much as possible at the cost of a lot of activities most people have in their lives such as a career. Right after my accident option 1 looked way better and more normal, but it felt like a lie. Of course I wanted to be educated but now that I have reached this point I know it is time for a change. In my opinion, being independent and not needing someone’s help with things I can do but do slowly on my own is more normal than struggling to stay alive and make it to a job each day while relying on unreliable people to get you ready each day. I did that while in Moose Jaw and it was so stressful & then school on top of that… ya just thinking bout it makes me tense. Same thing to a lesser degree here with my last few years. So now I’m changing directions and I know it is for the best for everyone. I’ll just keep my hope that everything will work out for the Domestic Engineer with a minor in Kinesiology and Physiatry.

Friday, September 03, 2004

I don't eat cereal often, but today I finished off a bag of Honey Nut Cheerios and wow was the dust/powder at the bottom ever sweet! I say finished off a bag of them cause Angie & I used part of the box to reinforce a few of our engagement pictures we mailed to people. Speaking of mailing, I think I'll start looking up addresses for mailing out invitations. :)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I need a snooze so bad...

But new neighbors are moving in as I type. I'm just wiped and I think a 20 minute power nap would fix me but it ain't gonna happen today. I thought about my earplugs, but they don't block out the deep rumble of chairs couches & tables being set down heavily so I'm out of luck today. And they have the elevator locked off so no one can use it. Fortunately I've got nowhere I need to go. I suppose I wasn't the best new neighbor... there was 3 weeks of sawing & gutting my place before I moved in so I should just be quiet. But I'm still tired. Oh well, that's my complaint for today.

I've created a page with a few pictures of Kianna but I want to make sure I have Candace & Lyndon's permission before I post it on the net. So Candace, if you're reading this, let me know what you think please. If you don't see this before Sunday I'll ask you at church. :)

Ok, back to my numb activities... need sugar. :P