Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Gotta stop to be thankful...

So Monday I had a doc appointment. It was a big let down in that the doctor, who specializes in rehabilitation (strokes, spinal cord injuries etc.) was very unable to answer any of my questions. Or perhaps it was the way she was wandering around the reception area, at 3:20 when my appointment was scheduled for 3, telling the secretaries about how gung-ho they are in Charlottetown about recycling, that frustrated me so badly... or the fact that finally at 3:30 an intern calls me so that I can explain everything to her, she can relay it to the doc, confusing everything I said, I repeat everything to the doc when she finally comes in, I get no answers to my questions, meanwhile my parking is expiring with that awful new system at City Hospital that, had it been winter, would have been a huge process for me to manage.

Ok, nuff complaining. What I truly came to blog about before my venting got a lil carried away was that I was reminded very quickly while waiting in that waiting room, how good I have it. I saw many people who had brain injuries and how... out of it they seemed. I'm sure they are managing, but one young man in particular caught my attention. He could walk very slowly with a cane, but was missing his left eye and his speech and mental function was quite hindered. His dad (about my dad's age) was helping his son. So a brief list... I'm thankful for:
-Angie & her not having to deal with a brain damaged companion. (Winston doesn't count) :P
-My ability to live on my own (I say "ability", not desire. I'm quite looking forward to my Angie making my home OUR home in January), not being "nursed" by my parents or anyone else.
-My mobility, though via wheelchair, that is about an average of 15 km/h faster than the young man I spoke of.
-Two eyes to see with.
-The ability to drive.
-The ability to cook.. especially for some after a difficult day. ;)
-The independence that I will not take for granted!

You get my point. Everybody has rough days, but maybe stopping to think how much better we have it will make the troubles of your & my life seem a little smaller.

Friday, July 23, 2004

I'll try to come up with something profound and interesting soon but for now I have a prayer request. I seem to have reacquired a bladder infection. Not as bad as the one I fought for over 3 months at the start of the year, but still very uncomfortable with the potential to get much worse. Thank you everyone. I'll give it until Wednesday to go away by means such as lots of water etc, but this time I won't wait months to use the sure cure. I just don't like rye anymore & that stiff drink (yes, DRINK, Karen :p), though it took care of the infection, sent me for a slight buzz which I don't want. But if things are't good by Wednesday I'll have a rye.

The irony is that I'm still waiting for the doctor appointment in regards to the first infection. This second one will have come and gone before I even see the guy about the first one. I will keep the appointment cause it's worth checking in so maybe next time if there is a next time, won't be a 4 month wait. Our health care needs some health care...

Thanks again everyone. :)

Monday, July 19, 2004

My Favorite Simpsons Tune:
Burns sings to See My Best:
Some men hunt for sport, others hunt for food,
The only thing I'm hunting for is an outfit that looks good.
See my vest, see my vest, made from real gorilla chest,
Feel this sweater, there's no better than authentic Irish Setter.
See this hat?  'Twas my cat.  My evening wear?  Vampire bat.
These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino.
Grizzly bear underwear; turtles' necks, I've got my share.
Beret of poodle on my noodle it shall rest;
Try my red robin suit, it comes one breast or two,
See my vest, see my vest, see my vest!
Like my loafers?  Former gophers!  It was that or skin my chauffeurs,
But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best.
So let's prepare these dogs --
Kill two for matching clogs!
See my vest, see my vest, oh please, won't you see my vest? 

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


So interestingly enough Angie & I have been asked many times by people where we will live when we're married. And at first, I thought people were being funny or sarcastic until I would chuckle & get the reply "what?" So I guess they were serious. My dad was the first to ask when he & I had our most recent father-son talk. My response was as I stated. Realizing it was not time to be funny I simply replied, "My condo." It just wasn't the time for something like, "Well, we're moving in with her parents into a house I cannot access by myself with a bathroom I cannot get into." or "We're moving in with you."

It just seemed pretty obvious to me that people would have assumed it will be into my condo. It seemed that it should be especially obvious to my dad. I suppose people might be thinking that we would be moving into a house & my mindframe wasn't that far ahead, but I found it kinda funny to hear so many ask. :) I almost replied with that the evening I asked permission but thought again that my humor may have bad timing there too. :P

Boy is it hot out there! I love it & I'm red like my van! Ahhh the 4 days of Canadian summers. :) Oh, btw, my sitski is finished. Check it out under pictures of my webpage.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I know it's been ages...

Sorry, no excuse for not posting other than lack of motivation. :P Not a huge amount of new stuff other than a few biggies. Everything else is pretty much on Angie's blog. :)

So Monday evening I was invited over for barbecued burgers and they were great. After supper Angie and I decided to use the opportunity to give her parents the chance to ask us any questions that they may have had. They had a few and after that I was able to officially ask permission of them to, in the near future, ask their daughter to marry me. They gave it graciously and her mom said, "You certainly have it [permission]. Welcome to the family." That might be saved for the reception, but I certainly felt welcomed and peaceful about the evening and its events. :D

Other than that, doctors sure know how to affect your life by changing long awaited appointments at the last minute. I think if they want to keep people in Saskatchewan they should try keeping us a little healthier & hence ALIVE to pay taxes. :P Ya, that's my biggest complaint of the day & it's not too serious.

A final note, please pray for Angie's grandmother who is in the hospital with Pneumonia in Calgary. Have a great day everyone!