Most of what I have to say tonight is aimed at killing the last half hour before I talk to Angie since I need to do the responsible thing and give her the agreed upon study time. Ya, I could study more, but I've worked pretty hard all day and just feel like relaxing a bit. Though like any job, the less you have to do the longer it takes and vice versa.
So, as I sit here giving my new tobyMac Cd a good listening to at a very loud volume (headphones are on :P) I'm thinking a lot of thoughts such as:
- How important Angie is to me. That is by far #1.
- I don't want to write my exam next Monday.
- Why is the parking at the CGA office so poor?
- Why must I deal with parking and the fight to get into the building before I even write the exam? Pointless extra... not worries... things to think about all the while pushing out useful information.
- I don't need much of a washroom to make use of one. Just enough room to get in and close the door. Why doesn't the CGA office have a decent accessible washroom so that after a 25 minute drive to the office, 4 hour exam, and 25 minutes drive home, I'm burning to get there to relieve the pressure?
- I've blown so much money on this course & all I keep seeing are failures (along with just under half of the other students) and more theory classes. I guess by entering accounting I had this crazy idea I might be dealing with numbers which I enjoy, not stupid theory which I don't care for. Why do I continue on this path? I guess I just need to wait for God's answer to my request for direction in regards to career.
- Could a be a jerk & make an issue of that awful CGA office and it's lack of accessibility? Ya, but that's not my style.
- Do I want to be associated with an organization of ignorance?
- Sigh, patience, prayer & perserverance until I hear the answer. I know what I hope it will be. Wake up able bodied one morning and spend the next year LIVING life to the fullest before taking on the most physical job I can think of.
You know I really enjoyed my work before. Running my own business (yard maintenance), smelling that fresh cut grass, seeing those uniform lawnmower lines in a gorgeous lawn, seeing the customers' appreciation of the appearance of their yard. And let's not forget meat cutting. Yes, the seniors could be trying, but in all truth, dirty bloody hands, fresh product wrapped ready to throw on the BBQ, seeing sales boom in summer and the watering customer mouths' just waiting to put the heat to the meat. Very tiring work, but very satisfying at the end of the day. Ok, I think I'm ready for Spring now. :P Anyone else ready for the snow to take a hike? :)